December 3, 2020, Jesus was able to answer any question the leaders were able to ask. He can answer any question you might have as well. Today’s Devotion is based on Mark 12:13-17
December 2, 2020, Are you so stubborn that you miss God? Today’s Devotion is based on Mark 12:1-12December 1, 2020, Do you see the obvious? Do you listen to God? Today’s Devotion is based on Mark 11-27-33The power of prayer and the forgiveness of sins? Today’s thought is based on Mark 11:17-26Sunrise ServiceJesus was famous. Crowds followed him everywhere. Today’s thought is based on Mark 11:8-12In the days of Rome a conqueror would enter riding a white horse. Jesus came riding a donkey. Today’s thought is based on Mark 11:1-7People can be callous and even cruel towards those who are hurting. But Jesus responded in kindness and compassion. Today’s thought is based on Mark 10:46-52It may surprise many, but the disciples tried to maneuver Jesus to give them the best heaven could offer. But they totally misunderstood. Today’s thought is based on Mark 10:31-45The disciples knew a man who was much better than them! But when the young so-called good man spoke to Jesus, the young man went away sad because he realized that he was still not good enough! Today’s thought is based on Mark 10:26-31No matter how many times he was encouraged by the words of Jesus such as “who believes in him shall have eternal life.”, most of Jesus’s listeners thought the way to God was through their good works. Today’s thought is based on Mark 10:17-27
–Little children just do not have the hang-ups that many adults have. They are open and have a child-like faith that all of us need. Today’s devotion is entitled, “Welcome a child, Welcome God.” and is based on Mark 9:36-37Jesus sometimes reverses common thinking. He lost His life to gain life for all. And so he said to be first you need to be last! Today’s thought is based on Mark 9:30-35.Sometimes we pray and pray. But do we actually believe that God will act? “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Today’s thought is titled, “If You Can?” and is from Mark 9:14-29