Devotions for February

Most of us enjoy waking up to a beautiful sunny morning. We wake up and the light is so bright it is difficult to see for a few seconds. Then our eyes adjust. Today’s thought is based on Revelation 4:1-2

Imagine this An open door in heaven with Jesus saying. “I will Come in dine with you.” A person says, “No Way” Today’s thought is based on Revelation 3:20

When it comes to Christ, are you hot, cold or in-between? Today’s thought is based on Revelation 3:14-18

Did you know that if you are a Christ Follower, you have a new name? Today’s thought is based on Revelation 3:11-13

“Since you have patiently endured, I will keep you.” Today’s thought is based on Revelation 3:9-10

God has placed an open door before you. Will you walk in? Today’s thought is based on Revelation 3:7-8