Devotions are available after 3:15 on the date they are released. To watch a “Thought for the Day”, click on the pictures below.

March 6 2025
The Call
Jesus is calling out to you—do you hear Him? He invites you into a life of purpose, transformation, and deep awe for our amazing Savior. When you respond, everything changes. Are you ready to follow Him? To learn more, watch today’s video on Luke 5:1-11!
March 5 2025
It Seemed So Easy – For Jesus
As you read Luke 4, you can’t help but see the wonder of Jesus. He cares for and heals everyone around Him with effortless grace. To learn more, watch today’s video on Luke 4:38-44!
March 4 2025
He Teaches with Authority
In the days of Jesus, religious teachers often spoke with uncertainty, debating even the most obvious truths—like the resurrection. But Jesus taught with absolute authority! His wisdom and expertise left people in awe. Watch today’s video on Luke 4:31-37 to learn more!
February 27, 2025
“Isn’t this Joseph’s Son?”
Jesus began His ministry in His own hometown, and at first, everyone was amazed. His teaching was powerful, His words filled with wisdom. But then some began to question: “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?” In today’s terms, they might say, “He’s just a nobody. Why listen to Him?”
What about you? Do you stand in awe of Jesus, or do you dismiss Him? Are you excited by His message, or are you indifferent?
To dive deeper, listen to today’s devotion based on Luke 4:16-30.
February 26, 2025
The Garden and The Wilderness
Adam and Eve were in the paradise of the Garden of Eden when they faced temptation—and they fell into sin. In contrast, Jesus was in the desolation of the wilderness when He was tempted, yet He remained sinless. This powerful contrast highlights Jesus as the true and victorious Savior.
To learn more, watch today’s video based on Luke 4:1-13.
Jesus Baptized
John the Baptist was astonished when he saw Jesus approaching for baptism. Why would his own cousin—someone far greater than himself—seek to be baptized? In Matthew 3, Jesus explains that it is necessary “to fulfill all righteousness.” Unlike anyone else, Jesus could pay for our sins because He alone perfectly fulfilled God’s righteous requirements.
To explore the significance of Jesus’ baptism, watch today’s video based on Luke 3:21-23.
February 20, 2025
The Good and Evil
John the Baptist’s ministry had the potential to extend far beyond its brief duration, but he couldn’t stay silent about the injustices happening around him. His bold criticism of King Herod Antipas—specifically his immoral actions, like marrying his brother’s wife—was a direct challenge to the political and moral corruption of the time. Herod, unable to tolerate such public rebuke, had John thrown into prison, silencing the prophet for a time. But John’s courage in speaking truth to power shows the deep conviction with which he preached repentance and righteousness, regardless of the personal cost.
To learn more about this dramatic turn in John’s ministry and the political tension of the time, watch today’s video based on Luke 3:19-20.
February 19, 2025
What Should We Do to Prepare for Jesus?
John the Baptist was an incredibly compelling preacher who captivated the hearts of many with his call to repentance and preparation for the coming Messiah. His message wasn’t just about ritual or ceremony; it was about a deep, transformative change in how people lived their daily lives. When crowds came to him asking what they should do to prepare for the Messiah, John’s response was both simple and profound: care for others. Whether it was sharing your wealth with the needy, acting justly with those around you, or showing compassion, John emphasized that true repentance is reflected in our actions toward others. It was a call to live with integrity and selflessness, preparing hearts for the greater transformation to come through Jesus.
To explore this powerful message further, watch today’s video based on Luke 3:10-18.
February 18, 2025
John: God’s Voice Calling for Change
John the Baptist was likely just under a year older than Jesus, and his ministry, though brief—likely lasting only around six months—played a pivotal role in preparing the way for the Messiah. His message was simple but profound: repent, be baptized, and receive forgiveness for your sins. Through his bold proclamation, John set the stage for Jesus’ arrival and mission. To dive deeper into his story, watch today’s video, which explores Luke 3:1-6.
February 13, 2025
Strong Yet Wise: Wise Yet Filled with God’s Grace
Even as a child, Jesus was extraordinary. When Mary and Joseph returned to Galilee, Jesus grew strong, both in body and wisdom. By the age of 12, He amazed even the most learned scholars of His day.
What truly set Jesus apart, however, was that God’s favor rested upon Him. This divine grace shaped His life and mission from the very beginning. Discover more about the early life of Jesus in today’s video based on Luke 2:39-40.
February 12, 2025
Anna: A Life of Devotion
Anna’s life was long and marked by hardship. The Bible describes her as very old, having spent most of her years as a widow—a challenging circumstance in those times. Yet, her life was defined by unwavering devotion to God. She never left the temple, worshiping day and night with fasting and prayer. Anna didn’t seem to ask much for herself, but God blessed her with the incredible joy of seeing the Messiah. Overwhelmed with gratitude, she couldn’t stay silent and began speaking to everyone about Jesus.
Discover more about Anna’s inspiring faith in today’s video based on Luke 2:36-38.
February 11, 2025
Simeon: Waiting on God
Simeon had one heartfelt desire: to live long enough to see the salvation of the Lord with his own eyes. Though he was advanced in years, his faith remained unshaken, trusting that God would grant him that precious moment.
Luke 2:25 reveals that the Holy Spirit was upon Simeon, guiding him and affirming that Jesus was indeed the promised Messiah. Imagine the joy of seeing his deepest hope fulfilled! To explore Simeon’s story and its powerful message of faith and patience, watch today’s video inspired by Luke 2:25-36.
February 6, 2025
The Glory of the Lord
I often wonder what it would be like to witness the glory of the Lord. In Scripture, there’s a clear pattern: nearly everyone who encounters it is filled with fear—at least at first. But then something remarkable happens—their fears are calmed.
To explore this powerful moment, watch today’s video based on Luke 2:9-10.
February 5, 2025
No Room for the Savior!
If Jesus were born today and the hospital was too crowded, I’d like to think we would invite Mary and Joseph into our homes—making plenty of room for them. But would we? It’s hard to say. After all, this season is often so busy, filled with endless to-do lists and distractions. Would we even notice that the Savior was being born among us?
To reflect on this, watch today’s video based on Luke 2:5-7.
February 4, 2025
House and Line of David
Jesus grew up in Galilee, but he was born in Bethlehem, the city of David. This was no coincidence—Joseph was ordered to travel there, further affirming that Jesus was a descendant of David. Throughout the Bible, numerous prophecies point to the Messiah coming from David’s lineage, and Jesus fulfilled them all. To dive deeper into this powerful truth, watch today’s video based on Luke 2:4.
January 30, 2025
Have You Ever Wondered in Amazement?
Looking back over the past 12 years, I’m amazed at how God has worked in my life. I originally came here for a job in education, to a town whose name I hadn’t even heard before. One day, I noticed a small church in the neighborhood and felt an inexplicable pull toward it. I thought, This could be wonderful—I could attend and get deeply involved.
Little did I know that God had a much bigger plan in mind. That small church I was drawn to would one day become the place where I’d serve as pastor. God has an incredible way of working out the details when we simply trust Him.
I imagine Joseph and Mary felt similarly when they traveled to Bethlehem. At the time, it may have seemed like an inconvenient trip, but it was all part of God’s plan for the Savior to be born there.
To explore this idea further, watch today’s devotion based on Luke 2:1-5.
January 29, 2025
From Speechless to Amazing
Do you remember Zechariah the priest, who lost his ability to speak after doubting the Angel Gabriel’s promise of a son in his old age? For at least nine months, Zechariah remained silent. But when the baby was born, he was asked what the child’s name should be. Zechariah wrote, “John.”
At that moment, his voice returned, and he began to praise God, speaking incredible words of prophecy. From speechless to amazing, Zechariah’s story reminds us of God’s power to fulfill His promises and inspire worship.
To learn more, watch today’s devotion based on Luke 1:67-80.
January 28, 2025
A Break with Tradition
Luke loves details. Imagine if the baby had been named Zechariah the Baptist instead of John the Baptist. It just doesn’t have the same ring to it, does it? According to tradition, the child should have been named after a relative, but Zechariah and Elizabeth had no family members named “John.”
So, when Elizabeth declared, “His name is John,” everyone thought she must be mistaken. They turned to Zechariah for confirmation. Though unable to speak, he wrote clearly: “His name is John.” What a bold break from tradition! But that’s exactly who John was meant to be—a disruptor of tradition. The Lord was using him to prepare the way, calling His people to be different, to be holy.
To dive deeper into this story, watch today’s devotion based on Luke 1:57-66.
January 23, 2025
The Mindful Savior
Mary didn’t just drop by for a quick visit with her cousin Elizabeth—she stayed for three months. Imagine the encouragement and faith they shared during that time! What we do know is that Mary spent part of it praising the Lord, declaring that He had been mindful of her, even in her humble circumstances.
This is a powerful lesson for all of us. You may feel overlooked or insignificant, but remember this: the Lord is mindful of you too.
To explore this further, watch today’s devotion based on Luke 1:46-56.
January 22, 2025
Blessed is the One who Believes
When Mary learned she would give birth to the Savior, she hurried to visit her cousin Elizabeth, who had also been promised a miraculous child. Upon seeing Elizabeth, Mary received a powerful and unforgettable message: “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her!”
To learn more, watch today’s devotion based on Luke 1:39-55.
January 21, 2025
No Word from God Fails
Both Mary and Elizabeth were promised children under impossible circumstances. Elizabeth, far beyond childbearing age, was already six months pregnant—a sign to Mary that she too could trust God’s promise to conceive as a virgin. When you’re facing challenges and need to trust God, it’s wise to reflect on how He has been faithful to others. Let their testimonies remind you of His faithfulness and His promises to you.
To dive deeper into this message, watch today’s devotion based on Luke 1:36-38.
Jan 16, 2024
Gabriel and Mary
The angel Gabriel appeared to Zacharias with a miraculous message, but he struggled to believe it. Six months after John the Baptist was conceived, Gabriel appeared again—this time to a young woman named Mary. He announced that she would bear a child, the long-awaited Messiah. Though Mary was a virgin and engaged to be married, she chose to embrace Gabriel’s message with faith and humility, trusting in God’s plan despite the extraordinary circumstances.
To delve deeper into this powerful moment of divine revelation and Mary’s faithful response, watch today’s video based on Luke 1:26-35. Discover how God’s plan for salvation unfolded through her willing heart.
Jan 15, 2024
Gabriel’s Promise Disbelieved
Luke 1:11-22
Before the arrival of Jesus, God promised that a special messenger would be born to prepare the way for the Messiah. This messenger was to be none other than John the Baptist. One day, while the priest Zacharias was carrying out his sacred duties in the temple, the angel Gabriel appeared to him with an extraordinary message: despite his advanced age and his wife Elizabeth’s inability to conceive, they would have a son.
However, Zacharias struggled to believe the promise, doubting the angel’s words. His disbelief led to an unexpected consequence that would serve as a sign of God’s power and purpose.
To explore this remarkable moment of divine intervention and its profound implications, watch today’s video based on Luke 1:11-22.
Jan 14, 2024
An Accurate Account
Each of the four Gospels was written with a unique purpose and audience in mind, highlighting different aspects of Jesus’ life and ministry. The Gospel of Luke stands out as a detailed and orderly account, written specifically to a man named Theophilus, whose name means “lover of God.” Luke’s goal was to provide certainty and a clear understanding of the events surrounding Jesus, ensuring that Theophilus—and by extension, all readers—could grasp the truth about who Jesus is and what He accomplished.
To delve deeper into this fascinating introduction to Luke’s Gospel, watch today’s video based on Luke 1:1-4.
January 9, 2025
A Proper End
The other day, I overheard a man at the store exclaim in frustration, “When is it going to change?” I’m not sure what he meant, but it’s a question many of us have probably asked at some point.
Life often feels uncertain, but Scripture reminds us that God has a purpose for everything, even when we don’t understand it. Proverbs 16:4 says: “The Lord works out everything to its proper end.”
What does it mean to trust that God is working things out for His purpose? How do we respond with humility when life feels out of control? To explore these questions, watch today’s video and be encouraged by the wisdom of Proverbs.
January 8, 2025
Always Right
I’ve had the challenging task of refereeing many church disagreements over the years. One thing I’ve noticed time and time again is this: both sides usually believe, with all their hearts, that they are right—and that the other side is entirely wrong.
It’s human nature, isn’t it? We often see our own perspective as pure and justified while questioning the motives of others. But Scripture reminds us of a deeper truth.
Are our motives aligned with God’s will, or are they driven by pride, fear, or personal preference? How often do we commit our plans to the Lord and seek His wisdom before taking a stand?
To dive deeper into this topic and discover how we can approach disagreements with humility and grace, watch today’s video based on Proverbs 16:2-3. Let’s learn how to navigate conflict in a way that honors Christ and fosters unity.
January 7, 2025
A Powerful Practice
Do you take a moment to pray before you speak? I’ve found this to be a powerful practice, especially when preparing for difficult conversations or meetings. I used to attend many meetings, some of which were highly contentious. Before stepping into those rooms, I would pause and pray—for wisdom to guide my words and actions, and for the strength to reflect Christ in every interaction.
This simple habit transformed how I approached those moments. Instead of speaking from frustration or fear, I sought to align my heart with God’s purpose. It reminded me that while we make plans, the Lord directs our words and actions.
If you’d like to explore this idea further, join me in today’s video, where we reflect on Proverbs 16:1.
: “To humans belong the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the proper answer of the tongue.”
December 31, 2024
New Year Checkup, Part 1: Am I Generous to Others?
As we step into a new year, it’s a good time for self-reflection. Let’s start with a quick check-up: Are you living generously, showing mercy, and caring for others out of your love for the Lord? Or are your actions driven by self-interest and a focus on personal gain? True generosity flows from a heart aligned with God’s wisdom and purposes. Proverbs 11:16-18 reminds us that kindness and righteousness bring lasting rewards, while selfishness leads to emptiness. To explore this further and challenge your perspective, watch today’s video devotion based on this powerful passage.
January 1, 2025
New Year Checkup, Part 2: What Am I Pursuing?
As the new year unfolds, it’s the perfect opportunity to take a step back and evaluate your goals and priorities. What are you truly pursuing in life? Are you striving for righteousness and the things that lead to life, or are you chasing after fleeting desires that could lead you astray?
Proverbs 11:19-21 challenges us to reflect on the outcomes of our choices. Those who pursue righteousness find life and honor, but those who chase sin and selfishness face destruction. Take a moment to ask yourself the tough questions: Are my goals aligned with God’s will? Am I pursuing what truly matters in the light of eternity? For deeper insights and encouragement, watch today’s video devotion based on this powerful passage. Let’s start the year on the right path together.

January 2, 2025

New Year Checkup, Part 3: What Do You Desire?

As you step into the New Year, take a moment to reflect on your heart’s true desires. Ask yourself, “What do I long for most?” Are your desires rooted in goodness, reflecting a heart that seeks God’s will, or are they shaped by selfish ambitions and temporary pleasures?

Proverbs 11:23 reminds us that the desires of the righteous lead to good things, while the hopes of the wicked end in disappointment and wrath. Our desires reveal the direction of our lives—what we yearn for often determines the path we take. Start this year by aligning your heart with what pleases God. Let your desires reflect His goodness and His plans for your life. To dive deeper into this important question, watch today’s video devotion based on this thought-provoking passage. Let’s begin the year with a heart focused on what truly matters.