September 26, 2024
When I was young, the kids at school played a cruel game called “You’ve got Sallie’s Cooties.” I always felt sorry for Sallie and refused to join in. But by the time Sallie reached her teenage years, she had become one of the most popular students at our large high school. Interestingly, some of the same people who once mocked her were now eager to date her, but she turned them all down.
To learn more, watch today’s video inspired by Psalm 118:22-23.
September 25, 2024
Open the Gates
I have a friend who genuinely wanted to be a good person, but deep down, he knew he was falling short. When he went to college, he quickly realized how easily his intentions could be corrupted, so he left. He tried all sorts of things, including religion, searching for answers. Eventually, he moved to a desolate area in the West, hoping for a fresh start. But nothing changed—because what he truly needed was a relationship with Christ! To learn more, watch today’s video based on Psalm 118:19-21.
September 24, 2024
At the Bottom
I knew a boy who grew up with a physical disfigurement. Despite being raised in a Christian home and attending church, he was often bullied and mistreated. By his late teens, he sought solace in alcohol and drugs, eventually becoming homeless and ending up in jail—completely broken. It was there, at rock bottom, that he turned to Christ. And then, the miraculous happened: the Lord rescued him from the depths of despair. To hear more about his journey, watch today’s video inspired by Psalm 118:13-14.
September 19, 2024
Where is Your Hope?
A while back, a major organization hired a new leader, and one employee said, ‘Now everything will be okay!’ Yet, after ten years of struggle, little had changed. Another person once told me, ‘I’m in financial trouble, but my cousin is giving me a job—everything’s going to be okay.’ Five years later, life was still challenging. To explore this message further, listen to today’s video inspired by Psalm 118:8-9.
September 18, 2024
I Will Not be Afraid
We all experience the pressures of life, whether it’s an illness, a demanding job, or challenges within our family or marriage. Whatever you’re facing, remember that God is your helper. To delve deeper into this comforting truth, listen to today’s video inspired by Psalm 118:5-7.
September 17, 2024
Enduring Love
Years ago, I met a young man who felt the weight of his sin so heavily that he believed he was condemned forever. He was afraid of God, convinced there was no hope. But I reminded him of a central truth in Christianity: God’s love is so profound that He sent Jesus Christ to fully pay for our sins. To explore this message further, listen to today’s video inspired by Psalm 118:1.
September 12, 2024
Overcoming Evil
I remember a young boy who once came to church with a black eye. Curious, I asked him what happened. He replied, “Johnny was mean to me, so I told him exactly what I thought of him!” It’s a response that seems to make sense in the moment—fighting fire with fire. But as Romans 12:21 teaches us, the first step in overcoming evil is not to be overcome by it. Yet, how often do we, as adults, fall into the same trap? To explore how we can break this cycle and truly overcome evil with good, today’s video based on Romans 12:21.
September 11, 2024
As Far as It Depends on You
Yes, it’s true that some issues are worth taking a stand on. But often, the things we argue about are trivial, and in hindsight, we can’t even remember what sparked the disagreement in the first place! Today’s video, based on Romans 12:17-20, shifts the focus away from the person you’re arguing with and turns it inward, asking you to reflect on your own heart and actions. It’s not just about winning an argument; it’s about how you handle conflict, how you respond, and what that says about your character and faith.
September 10, 2024
No Conceit
It’s natural to sometimes feel like you have all the answers—that your opinions are always right and that you possess more knowledge than those around you. But as Christians, we’re called to a higher standard.  Humility is a crucial part of our faith. We must remember that without the Lord, we are nothing. All that we have, all that we are, comes from Him. Today’s video, based on Romans 12:16 will explore how we can cultivate true humility in our hearts, recognizing that our worth and wisdom come from God alone.
September 5, 2024
Speak Truth in Love
As Christians we do not want to stretch the truth. We certainly need to speak truthfully. But timing is important, as is the manner we speak.  Our motive is to be love, not dominance. To learn more, watch today’s video based on Ephesians 4:14-16.
September 4, 2024
Build Up or Tear down?
We all desire to encourage others to follow Christ, but the way we go about it matters greatly. Our goal should be to build up, not tear down. To explore this further, watch today’s video based on 2 Corinthians 10:8-9.
September 3, 2024
Jealousy and Quarreling
When I was young, a few of my friends weren’t allowed to watch TV because it was considered too worldly. Christian music was acceptable, but only if it wasn’t Christian rock. Traditional hymns were fine, even though one of my favorites was originally a converted beer song. Yet, I rarely heard anyone mention that jealousy and quarreling are also worldly, though Scripture clearly states it. To learn more, watch today’s video based on 1 Corinthians 3:2-4.
August 29, 2024
Create in Me
If you know Jesus, God is at work in you! Feeling blah? Ask God to create a clean heart and renew you from within. To learn more, listen to today’s video based on Psalm 51:7-12.

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